1.     Schedule

Schedule is attached. Play begins on Wednesday May 24 and runs half way through the last week of July. Double elimination playoffs will extend over the next 6 days. WeÕll try to finish on Thursday. Hopefully we will have a better turnout for the picnic.

We have 19 (??) teams this year. 7 A teams and 12 B Teams. What would be work a little better would be to have 8 A teams and 8-10 B teams; however, we can deal which whatever breakout is preferred. If we have 7 A teams, then they will play each other 3 times for a total of 18 games (average ~2 games per week.). If we have 12 B teams, then each team will play once plus a random selection of 5 other games to play a total of 16 games (slightly less than 2 games per week). This is about the max number of games that we can put on the fields, given the need to conserve space for some rainouts and NOT playing most Fridays.



2.     House rules

á       Games start at 5:45. 

á       Forfeits are called at 6:00.

á       (NEW) In an interleague game, you may not bat more than 10 batters in any inning in which you are ahead.

á       You are required to have at least 3 outfielders deeper than 90 feet from the first-to-second-to-third base line (even with ÒweakÓ hitters at bat).

á       We normally use2 home plates, and the play at home is always a ÒforceÓ play. The runner must reach the outside (second) plate before the force play is made on the normal home plate for the run to score and an out not be recorded. This (as well as any other) rule can be waived if both teams agree prior to the beginning of the game.

á       NO COLLISIONS  TOLERATED (except in unfortunate circumstances at 1st base and while sliding) - The runner must be in control to avoid collisions at all times.  It is the runner's responsibility to avoid collisions.  Any collision, even minor ones, results in the runner being called out.  Blatant (intentional) collisions result in the expulsion of the player from the game.  The only exceptions are collisions while the runner is sliding at 2nd, 3rd or home and at first base as the runner is crossing the bag on the foul side of the bag.  If the runner is on the second base side of the 1st base bag and a collision occurs, then the runner is out for interference. Note, that a runner can be called out for interference while running to first base in fair territory. (This is true in Major League baseball as well).  A runner can not be called out for running out of the baseline to avoid a collision.  (If the runner is avoiding a tag, then the runner is out.)

á       After 4 balls go over the fence for home runs, hits over the fence are ground-rule doubles.

á       The dues this year includes the purchase of 10 Dudley restricted flight balls per team.  No other type of ball can be used during a game. Dues are $75 plus $50 for balls = $125.  Make checks payable to Princeton University or generate an InterDept. Invoice payable to acct # 180-2061.  Once you have paid the dues, you may pick up the balls.  

á       You may choose either to bat everybody and can thus substitute at will in the field. OR Use Major (American) League Baseball substitution rules in which you bat 10 and players taken out of the field or batting order cannot re-enter; one can be a designated hitter. By mutual agreement, two teams can agree to modify any rule except the collision rule, and the restricted flight ball rule.

á       The picnic will be after the championship games on Thursday, Aug. 3.  Rain date is Aug 4.

á       A game becomes official if the home team is ahead after 4.5 innings, otherwise, after 5 innings. If play is suspended before the game is official, it must be replayed from the beginning. If a tie game is suspended after it is official, then play continues from the point of stoppage.

á       Mercy rule: either team may (not must) terminate a game if there is (or will be) at least a 15 run differential at the end of the 5th or 6th inning.

á       The home team is responsible for supplying a new restricted flight ball, 2 home plates and 3 bases.

á       All fields are across Lake Carnegie. There are now two fenced in fields. We are permitted to play on the fenced in fields as long as they are not being used for an athletic department summer camp. In the Òold fenced in area, Field 1 is closest to Washington Rd and the Lake, #2 is the other field close to Washington Rd. # 4 is the one with the shed(s) in center field. In the new Fenced in area, Field A corresponds to Field 1 of the old area, and so on.

á       Preference is to play in the new area. If it is very sunny and both the old and new areas are available, then those games scheduled in the Òsun fieldsÓ, (A/C), may choose to play in fields 4/2 (A goes to 4 and C goes to 2).




á       In case both fenced in area is being used by a camp, use the cow pasture on the other side of the tree line.